Working through COVID-19 and beyond

Our solutions will enable individuals and teams to effectively adapt to the changing landscape and maintain a keen focus on performance and results

There is no doubt that virtually every individual and business globally is being affected by the current crisis. The impact is wide ranging, changing employment circumstances, physical working locations and patterns, communication, collaboration and normal day-to-day habits. Things change daily and the future is unknown. Economic forces are challenging businesses large and small and across every sector globally. It is highly unlikely that the way people operate ‘normally’ will never be the same again.  

Based on our conversations with clients and  business leaders , we have put together some key resources, solutions and information designed to help leaders, managers and front-line client facing professionals navigate through the turbulence and deliver continued effective results. They can help you and your teams with well-being, adaptability, productivity and staying in control.

Real-time, connected learning and performance development solutions

We have been successfully delivering our existing learning and performance solutions through virtual interfaces, either as part of longer term leadership and management initiatives or as stand-alone solutions. The functionality includes polling, interactive surveys and breakout rooms which means that face-to-face interaction is effectively replicated and individuals can maintain connection with their organisation and teams.

In addition to leadership and management development, popular stand-alone solutions include:

  • Managing virtual teams
  • Effective virtual meetings
  • Leading through the lockdown
  • Effective client conversations



The impact of living and working in isolation at home cannot be underestimated. We believe that we can have a real impact here in respect of what we do and how we do it, and have created an offer to support teams throughout this period of uncertainty.

Ways in which we can help include:

  • Managing well-being in others
  • Collaborative teams
  • Staying resilient
  • Powerful virtual one:to:ones



For Leaders and Senior Management:

For Advisers and Client Leaders:

For People Managers and HR:

For all:


Useful tools

Firms are using time when people are working from home to build skills, assess and reflect and our tools are extremely useful here being delivered remotely:

Get in touch and email or call on 01892 610060 to find out more


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