Strategic Support

Through Gro:horizons we work with senior teams to provide strategic support to: 


(Re) establish identity and horizon

  • The Strategic Core: Ensuring that the firm is clear on its purpose (why it exists), its vision (what it can achieve and where it can get to) and its values (how it goes about things). 


Create, embed and execute strategy

  • Complete a comprehensive analysis of (i) the internal capability of the firm, and (ii) the external environment and key opportunities and risks. 
  • Create clear business goals and milestones at a future point in time.
  • Create a strategy map to achieve the business goals. 
  • Prioritise strategic objectives and identify the decisions and actions that need to happen to achieve these. 
  • Communicate, and get buy-in for, the strategic direction. 
  • Break down the actions into goals and key results by firm, department, teams and individuals to embed strategy into the business, into performance and into achievement. 
  • Create simple processes to ensure there is ownership and accountability for all strategic objectives and goals, meaning that strategy becomes part of the normal business rhythm.


Provide strategic infrastructure, processes and tools

  • Create or refine the people strategy. 
  • Talent identification and succession planning. 
  • Create career maps and frameworks to underpin the values, skills and behaviours in line with strategy. 
  • Develop integrated learning and development functions (or Academies) to provide support and growth for people. 
  • Develop performance management and appraisal processes. 
  • Develop promotion processes. 

Through our dynamic strategy process, we provide support to senior teams. Find out more about our Strategy Framework here.


Gro:horizons helps to create essential CLARITY for firms

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