Would you like to drive better relationships with clients?

Would you like to drive better relationships with clients?

How often do you get frustrated with people who you believe miss the point and consider feelings and emotions rather than the more important, factual issues; or perhaps you get exasperated by those who always have to deliberate about something for days before reaching a decision?


Maybe it’s all just a question of differing communication styles?


There are a host of differences in our perceptions (beliefs and values) about other people, that means our communication with them is less effective than it could be. Why do some people seem to focus on so much detail when the overview is enough to provide clarity for a decision? How can some people ignore the importance of the fee earners well-being in a decision?


Carl Jung, a well known Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist, founded analytical psychology. He offered definitions of Extrovert and Introvert following research where he examined the way people prefer to interact with the world. We know that extroverts engage verbally, quickly and sometimes without thinking through consequences. In contrast an Introvert will probably rehearse things before saying them and prefer that others would do the same. An Introvert may be seen as a slow decision maker and will often respond with “I’ll have to think about that” or “Let me tell you later”.


It is impossible not to communicate. Every minute that you spend with clients and your fee earners you are communicating. Even if you are silent, your body and facial expressions send hundreds of messages. In a world of different people, cultures, attitudes and beliefs there are many benefits to be gained from understanding the simple communication styles, how you might contrast with others with whom you work with, and how you can adapt your style to get the best from your relationship with them.


We learn our preferences when we are young – usually because our parents and role models praise certain qualities over others and we learn to promote such behaviour in order to gain reward. In turn we create a belief system that values what we do above the communication patterns that others might adopt and if we become intolerant, we lose ground in our empathy for others – whether they are clients, staff or prospects. Your conscious and unconscious decisions about how to communicate can hold you back from developing stronger more positive relationships with others.


Your first step in ensuring that your messages are received effectively and that you understand what others intend is to gain an understanding of how you prefer to communicate.


Every time you communicate you send a message to another person that he/she receives. The other person does not necessarily interpret the exact message that was sent in the way that you intend. That is because the person receiving your message has their own interpretation, based upon the filters (beliefs and values) they have created in their own lives. Misinterpretation often occurs when people with different styles communicate as they have a fundamental difference in focus (People or Task) and pace (Fast or Measured).


How we communicate is the key factor of effectiveness and performance with our teams, clients, and other stakeholders Being able to better understand the priorities of others, and to ensure that we are better understood is essential to managing teams, providing excellent client service and winning new business. There is so much more to the transmission and reception of a message than just words and actions.


To improve communication and personal impact, theGrogroup offers a one day course to ensure you are more effective in delivering key messages and understanding your client needs. The programme focuses in on the key subjects of self-awareness, awareness of others, communication essentials and behaviour styles as a means to gaining a deeper understanding of how you can have greater personal impact at work.


If you would like more information please complete an enquiry form or call Thelma on 01892 610060.