Tag: learning and development

Why every lawyer or accountant should have a coach!

Why every lawyer or accountant should have a coach! Coaching

Coaching That Drives Performance Over the last decade, we have seen how coaching has evolved and become more popular as an effective organisational development intervention that supports and enables strategic initiatives, cultural change and essential leadership growth and development. Our executive coaches work with the board, partners and aspiring partners, to help them acquire and […]

Is it time to rethink the role of a “Manager” in professional services?

Is it time to rethink the role of a “Manager” in professional services? Management

One thing the last year has highlighted for so many of our clients is the critical contribution of effective management, a role which we often see is taken for granted, with people just expected to naturally ‘step-up’ and manage teams. We wrote about this in an article some years ago, however the last year has […]

theGrogroup partners with Armadillo Support on the Launch of the Armadillo Academy

theGrogroup partners with Armadillo Support on the Launch of the Armadillo Academy Academy

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Armadillo Academy – a partnership between Armadillo Support and theGrogroup which will enable member firms and teams to drive improved performance. By providing a framework of knowledge, skills, resources and tools, the Academy will support the development of managers and partners of the future. We have […]

HR and Learning & Development Forum

HR and Learning & Development Forum

Our most recent zoom call with people in HR, learning and talent development was another insightful discussion with lively debate and lots of ideas and challenges shared as firms continue to adapt to changing working lives and practices. Key issues / challenges Workload and resource priorities, managing alongside childcare / homeschooling Return to office planning […]

Is the client always right? the wants versus needs dilemma…

Is the client always right? the wants versus needs dilemma… Client

Is the client or customer always right? What do you do if a client asks you to provide a service to satisfy a want – yet you know that isn’t what they actually need? This week I have had some great discussions with clients, with whom we have a strong and trusted relationship. They are […]

Training just isn’t working* final article

Training just isn’t working* final article learning and development in professional services

This is the last of a series of articles that have been put together to explain why we believe L&D is failing to deliver real results and behavioural change. But we did refer right at the start to the * in the title, a caveat. Because there are examples where learning is having a massive […]

Training just isn’t working* article 4

Training just isn’t working* article 4 Change

Back at article 1, we made the ‘outlandish’ claim that investment in Learning and Development across organisations is, more often than not, delivering very little by way of return. This is because the knowledge, skills and behaviours wrapped up in workshops, programmes or e-learning modules is not having the impact on individual, or collective, performance […]