Effective writing responds to the interests and needs of its intended audience and at the same time, reflects the personality, individuality and brand of the writer (and their organisation).
Our solution is designed to help you write in a way that delivers greater value through clear, and powerful content and effective delivery of key messages.
We focus on:
- Your current writing style and development needs
- Writing with a purpose
- Using the reader’s eyes – what will interest or convince them
- How to plan and prepare effectively
- Structure essentials, and how to tailor them for your audience
- Grammar, punctuation, spelling – an essentials refresher
- The tricky bits – common challenges and how to avoid them
- Accuracy, brevity, clarity
- Drafting and reviewing: principles and techniques
The solution helps with
- Clarity for the reader
- Improved quality and impact of writing
- More focused business reports that deliver clear outcomes
- More efficient work with less re-drafting and reduced review time
- More profitable work!
Email: kate@thegrogroup.com or call her on 01892 610060