
Is the client always right? the wants versus needs dilemma…

Is the client always right? the wants versus needs dilemma… Client

Is the client or customer always right? What do you do if a client asks you to provide a service to satisfy a want – yet you know that isn’t what they actually need? This week I have had some great discussions with clients, with whom we have a strong and trusted relationship. They are […]

Training just isn’t working* final article

Training just isn’t working* final article learning and development in professional services

This is the last of a series of articles that have been put together to explain why we believe L&D is failing to deliver real results and behavioural change. But we did refer right at the start to the * in the title, a caveat. Because there are examples where learning is having a massive […]

Training just isn’t working* article 4

Training just isn’t working* article 4 Change

Back at article 1, we made the ‘outlandish’ claim that investment in Learning and Development across organisations is, more often than not, delivering very little by way of return. This is because the knowledge, skills and behaviours wrapped up in workshops, programmes or e-learning modules is not having the impact on individual, or collective, performance […]

Training just isn’t working* article 3

Training just isn’t working* article 3 Learning and Development Campaign

Previous articles have looked at the WHY and WHO of learning – that the ultimate purpose of L&D is to improve individual and collective performance through helping to solve the real-time needs of employees in organisations. Now it is time to move onto the WHAT and HOW. What actually is the learning offer and how […]

Training just isn’t working* article 2

Training just isn’t working* article 2 Change

Changing the perspective   This is the second in a series of articles that will explain in more detail why we believe that the workplace Learning and Development operation is broken and how better results can be achieved. In Article 1 we covered going back to basics and discussed the importance of being absolutely clear […]